Monday, January 27, 2014

With Allee effects, life for the social carnivore is complicated - Online First - Springer

With Allee effects, life for the social carnivore is complicated - Online First - Springer

From small to large, social carnivores are under complex pressures. Our work on carnivores highlights the important interaction between infectious disease and group living species and Allee Effects. We must seek to engage complexity as it will determine the success of our management approaches for system health. Dr Sanderson and Dr. Jobbins (Post Doctoral Research Associates in Dr. Alexander's Lab) work together with Dr Alexander to try and understand the dynamics of infectious disease at the environmental- human-animal interface.

Assessing elephants in the region for infectious disease.
Understanding infectious disease dynamics accross a spectrum of animals both domestic and wildlife is central to our program. Information gleaned is integrated with our active research directed at understanding human behavior and its influence on animal behavior.

Our recent publication (see above) on carnivores and Allee Effects, highlights the importance of understanding the complexities across human, animal, and environmental systems.