DOWNLOAD PROJECT OUTPUTS Diarrheal Disease Consultations with Communities and Leaders in Chobe District

Community and DiKogsi Consultations on Diarrheal Disease in Chobe District Botswana 2016 
(not for reuse with out permission)

As part of an ongoing effort to assist the people of Chobe, CARACAL and Virginia Tech through Dr. Alexander have been working to understand and gather community views and suggestions on controlling diarrheal disease. Kgotla meetings were held with communities and minutes of these meetings were then presented to ALL Dikogsi (chiefs) of Chobe District for their input and suggestions. Below, are minutes of these meetings.

Minutes of meetings with Kasane and Kazungula communities on diarrheal disease

Minutes of meetings with Lesoma Community on diarrheal disease

Presentation of Minutes of Community Consultations with Dikgosi: Minutes of Discussion and Recommendations